Amplifying Your Brand's Voice: A Case Study of NSUR Inc's Improved PageRank to the 3rd and 4th Pages of Google Search

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any brand or business to succeed. One of the key metrics that measure a brand’s visibility online is PageRank, a score determined by Google that reflects how relevant and authoritative a website is in relation to a specific search query. NSUR Inc, a company specializing in advanced security solutions, was struggling with low PageRank on Google despite offering high-quality services to its clients. This case study outlines how NSUR Inc leveraged various digital marketing strategies to improve its PageRank from the 10th to the 3rd and 4th pages of Google search, amplifying its brand’s voice and gaining more visibility in the competitive online landscape.

The Process

NSUR’s Coin Value Protection Program is now available!

The original statement merely provides information about a program launch without any emphasis on its unique selling proposition or value proposition. 

Join the World’s first Protected Utility Token

The revised statement establishes the coin’s USP and value proposition by positioning it as the world’s first protected utility token, which is much more effective in creating interest and driving adoption.


Tokenomics. Everything you need to know about NSUR Coin, the first and only deflationary, high-utility and protected token backed by NSUR’s Value Protection Program

The “before” copy is long and wordy, making it somewhat difficult to immediately understand. 


Watch this short video to know more about the NSUR protected token

On the other hand, the “after” copy is much shorter and more direct, making it easier to comprehend right away. The new copy also includes a call-to-action through the video, making it more engaging and likely to attract interest from potential customers.


Join the NSUR Community Find out how you can buy, earn and redeem NSUR Coin tokens inside of the NSUR platform as a member of the NSUR Community

The “before” copy is focused on joining the NSUR Community without providing any clear incentives or benefits.


Save up to 80% on prescriptions nationwide and receive NSUR tokens Complete these surveys to earn more NSUR tokens Shop with NSUR merchants to save on products and services

The “after” copy, on the other hand, emphasizes the tangible benefits of being a part of the NSUR Community, such as saving up to 80% on prescriptions and earning NSUR tokens through surveys and shopping. By being more specific and highlighting the perks of membership, the “after” copy is more compelling and likely to motivate action from potential members.


In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of digital marketing, it is crucial for brands and businesses to stay abreast of the latest trends and techniques to improve their online presence. NSUR Inc’s successful journey towards improving its PageRank is a testament to the power of a strategic digital marketing approach that leverages SEO, content marketing, and other tactics to amplify a brand’s voice and gain more visibility. By implementing a well-rounded, customized digital marketing strategy, even small and medium-sized businesses can increase their online presence, attract more customers, and ultimately achieve their business goals.